We look forward to hear from you!
Flemming Vatne
Activity manager
Contact information
Phone: Tel: +47 919 09 143
E-mail: post@sigdalaktiv.no
Post address
Sigdal Aktiv AS
Ulbergsveien 373,
Organization number
NO 922 220 891 MVA
Invoice to us
EHF to 922220891
PDF to 922220891@autoinvoice.no
Bank information
Account name: Sigdal Aktiv AS
Account number: 2351 77 50697
Iban: NO0723517750697
Swift: NEPRNO21
Address: Skue Sparebank, NO – 3540 Nesbyen
Stay tuned for great news
Sigdal Aktiv offers activities throughout the year. Each season has its highlights, and challenges. We are constantly working to improve, and have a wide collaboration throughout the Norefjell region. Register your email address today and receive our newsletter with promotional offers, tips and advice.